Degree – Graduation Ceremony

The Postgraduate Program leads to a Master’s Degree of Specialization at level 7 of the National Qualifications Framework, equivalent to 90 credits in the ECTS system and recognized by all authorities (Ministry, ASEP, etc.) in Greece and abroad.

The Program awards a Master’s Degree in “Web Intelligence”. To be awarded the degree, successful completion of 8 courses is required, corresponding to 60 credits in the ECTS system, as well as a successful examination of the master’s thesis (30 credits). The overall grade of the Master’s Degree is determined by the weighted average of the grades of the courses and the thesis, with corresponding credit units as weight factors.

The grading for the Degree is descriptive, as follows: Excellent (8.5-10), Very Good (6.5-8.49), Good (5-6.49).

The graduation ceremony takes place in the presence of the Rector and/or Vice-Rector of Academic Affairs of the University, the Director of Postgraduate Studies, and the President of the Department of Information and Electronic Engineering. The Master’s Degree is printed on elegant special parchment.

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